• Safety: Trench plates are designed to protect workers and pedestrians from falls, injuries, and other hazards.
  • Compliance: In Nevada, pedestrian trench plates are required by law for any trench that is deeper than 4 feet. Additionally, steel trench plates are required by law for any trench that is deeper than 5 feet.
  • Durability: Trench plates are made from durable materials that can withstand heavy traffic and wear and tear.
  • Versatility: Trench plates can be used in a variety of applications, including construction, utility, and pedestrian projects.
Man walking on pedestrian trench plate covers
Steel trench plates covering trench in roadway
Worker walking on pedestrian trench plate


  • The Project: Will the trench be used for pedestrian traffic, construction work, or utility work? These factors are crucial when deciding which type of trench plate should be used.
  • Depth Of The Trench: Trench plates must be strong enough to support the weight of the soil and any machinery that will be used in the trench. Pedestrian trench plates are required by the Nevada law for trenches deeper than 4 feet. Steel trench plates are required by the Nevada law for trenches deeper than 5 feet. 
  • Size Of The Trench: Trench plates must be large enough to cover the entire trench and overlap at the edges.
  • Budget Of The Project: Trench plates can range in price depending on the type, size, and thickness of the plate.


  • Inspection: It is important to regularly inspect trench walls for signs of weakness, as they can collapse without warning.
  • No Water: Water can lead to the collapse of trench walls, so it is important to keep the trench free of water.
  • Use a Ladder or Ramp To Enter and Exit the Trench: Do not climb down into a trench without a ladder or ramp.
  • Awareness: Always have someone keep an eye on you while you are working in a trench.

Pedestrian and steel trench plates are essential safety equipment for any project that involves digging a trench. By choosing the correct trench plates and following safety precautions, you can help to prevent accidents and injuries. Since 2007, the team at The Barricade Company are experts in the public right-of-way, including using both steel and pedestrian trench plates. Contact us today to meet your trench plate needs.

Or call 702.685.7179 now.